An argument for Scala

February 4, 2017

I gave a presentation on Scala as an assignment for my Open Source Programming class. While researching for the presentation, I came across many interesting talks and articles about the language and its philosophy. What follows is an attempt to condense that information as set of reasons to use Scala for a project.

Since it is difficult to include the entire set of features of a language in a 15 minute presentation, and hello world and fizz buzz would not do justice to the language, I decided to speak on the why of Scala instead of the what and how.

Find the slides here.

A better Java

Consider this piece of java code. It defines an abstract data type, ComplexNumber that has constant real and imaginary parts.

public class ComplexNumber  {
    private final double real;
    private final double imaginary;
    public ComplexNumber(double r, double i) {
        real = r;
        imaginary = i;
    public double getRealPart() {
        return real;
    public double getImaginaryPart() {
        return imaginary;

What I intend to demonstrate is that I’ve written an entire page of code and it does not accomplish anything yet. Sure, all this code can be generated by an IDE. But it still adds to the code that I need to maintain.

Java prides itself over being Object Oriented - yet it has primitive types like double and int that are not Classes. Using a wrapper class like Double or Integer costs additional memory. This is not to discredit java. Java has a lot going for it - a great standard library, cross platform code, lots of external 3rd party libraries. However, all the great things about Java are actually about the Java Platform and not about the language. This is one of the primary reasons Scala was developed - as a better Java.

The exact same code written in Scala.

class ComplexNumber (val real:Double, val imaginary:Double)

Let’s break it down one by one.

val origin = ComplexNumber(0, 0)

Java Interop

Using Java and using Scala are not two disjoint things. Scala code too, compiles to the same bytecode as Java. So code written in Scala can be used in java without ever needing to know it was written in scala. On the flip side, all Java libraries can be used in Scala.


Scala provides you with a wide array of features. So you can go completely object oriented or write completely functional code or use the best of both in the same language. Functional Programming support also makes it a better choice for writing concurrent code.

val sumOfSquares = 1.until(10).map(math.pow(_, 2)).sum

Scala also provides a mixed Object oriented and Functional form of a class called case class. It has all the features of a class but is immutable and has additional helper methods.

XML Processing

Scala has syntax for processing XML documents built in. For instance,

val page = 
      <title>Hello XHTML world</title>
      <h1>Hello world</h1>
      <p><a href="">Scala</a> talks XHTML</p>

  val nodes = page \\ "p"

XPath syntax is provided by the language too.


Scala promises to become what Java could not. While it has some amazing features, Scala has its share of problems too.

The concise syntax is a double edged sword - clean code comes with a steep learning rate. The Scala team introduces a lot of breaking changes with each version - so it could be hard to keep updating your codebase. Being a young language, Scala does not have as large a community as the likes Java or C#. As a result, your options when choosing an IDE are limited.

These problems are likely to be mitigated in the near future.

In closing, I have come to realise that the answer to the question “When should I use Scala ?” is - when you are developing for the future.

An argument for Scala - February 4, 2017 - Saurabh Mathur