Understanding Heroku Logs

July 23, 2016

I’ve been using heroku for hosting my apps for free. However, free accounts on heroku are not provided with metrics.

Heroku logs provide a lot of information about about the app, but searching them even with grep seems very tedious. This post describes my attempt to parsing and visualizing the server logs to make performance monitoring easier.

The Log Structure

While the heroku logs command gives a collection of different types of logs, the following structure is common among them :

[timestamp] [source] [key1]=[value1] ...

On the basis of the content of the log, it can be classified into the following major categories :


Next I got to parsing. Following is the python 2.7 script I used to parse the logs and convert them to json.

Here, I used the shlex module which makes it very convinient to read quoted strings.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, json, shlex

InFileName = sys.argv[1]
OutFileName = sys.argv[2]
SourceProcess = sys.argv[3]

parsedData = list()

with open(InFileName) as infile:
  for line in infile:
    source = line.strip().split()[1]
    if source.startswith(SourceProcess) and '=' in line and 'memory' in line:

      # split on space preserving quoted substrings
      tokens = shlex.split(line)

      # ["key1=value1","key2=value2"] to {key1: value1, key2: value2}
      pairs = dict([tuple(token.split('=')) for token in tokens[2:]]) 

      pairs['timestamp'] = tokens[0]

with open(OutFileName, 'w') as outfile:
  json.dump(parsedData, outfile)


The json generated by the parsing script can be loaded directly as a pandas DataFrame.

memory_cache memory_pgpgin memory_pgpgout memory_quota memory_rss memory_swap memory_total
0.00MB 1332855pages 1331345pages 512.00MB 153.61MB 4.70MB 158.31MB

Using matplotlib and seaborn, I was able to generate the following visualizations.

They can be interpreted as per the descriptions on heroku: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/metrics

Also, using plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() when plotting time series data makes the time readable.

Total memory consumed over time

Total memory consumed over time

Swap Memory usage over time

Swap Memory usage over time

Cache Memory usage over time

Cache Memory usage over time

Pages read over time

Pages read over time

Pages written over time

Pages written over time

Understanding Heroku Logs - July 23, 2016 - Saurabh Mathur